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Version: 0.9.1


Command line interface for making swaps and trades on TDEX

⬇️ Install

  • Install with yarn
$ yarn global add tdex-cli
  • Install with npm
$ npm i -g tdex-cli

By default, the tdex-cli will use the ~/.tdex-cli as data directory, current state and private key will be stored in there.

Custom datadir (optional)

Configure custom directory for data persistence. You should have write permissions.

$ export TDEX_CLI_PATH=/absolute/path/to/data/dir$ tdex-cli help



  • Show current persisted state
$ tdex-cli info


  • Set the network to work against

NOTICE With the --explorer flag you can set your own electrum REST server (Blockstream/electrs) for connecting to the blockchain.

# Mainnet# This uses as explorer$ tdex-cli network liquid# Regtest# This uses as explorer$ tdex-cli network regtest# Custom Esplora$ tdex-cli network regtest --explorer http://localhost:3001


  • Create or Restore Wallet
$ tdex-cli wallet
  • Generate a new address
$ tdex-cli wallet address
  • Get Wallet Balance
$ tdex-cli wallet balance
  • Send from Wallet
$ tdex-cli wallet send


  • Select and connect to a liquidity provider
$ tdex-cli connect

From this point, all the commands will work against this selected provider.


  • List all available markets for current provider
$ tdex-cli market list
  • Select a market to use for trading
$ tdex-cli market LBTC-USDt
  • Get current exchange rate for selected market
$ tdex-cli market price


  • Start a swap against the selected provider
$ tdex-cli trade

Advanced: BUY/SELL example on regtest with Nigiri

This example shows how to buy and sell tokens using a tdex daemon running on a Nigiri regtest network and tdex-cli.

Run the daemon#

  1. Clone and build the daemon from Tdex-network/tdex-daemon
$ git clone$ cd tdex-daemon$ make build-linux$ make build-cli-linux
  1. Launch the tdex daemon

make run-linux sets env variables such as the daemon use the default nigiri regtest network.

$ nigiri start --liquid$ make run-linux

Then let's use the operator CLI to setting up our daemon.

# init the cli configuration$ ./build/tdex-linux-amd64 config init# generate a new mnemonic$ SEED=$(./build/tdex-linux-amd64 genseed)# init the provider's wallet$ ./build/tdex-linux-amd64 init --seed $SEED --password secret# unlock the wallet using the password$ ./build/tdex-linux-amd64 unlock --password secret

Next, we need to fund the fee account of our provider.

$ ./build/tdex-linux-amd64 depositfee# the wallet will return a confidential address, we need to send some LBTC to this one# here, we use nigiri faucet for example# /!\ REPLACE by your deposit address /!\$ nigiri faucet --liquid YOUR_FEE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS_HERE

Well, now let's create a market:

# first create an empty market$ ./build/tdex-linux-amd64 depositmarket# this will return an address, we need to send it some LBTC and some ALTCOIN# again, let's use nigiri for that# let's fund the market address with LBTC# LBTC will be the base asset of the market$ nigiri faucet --liquid YOUR_MARKET_ADDRESS# Let's generate a new ALTCOIN and send 100 assets to the market address# The generated altcoin will be the quote_asset$ nigiri mint YOUR_MARKET_ADDRESS 100# /!\ Copy the altcoin asset hash in the clipboard!

We need to open the new market, by default a new market is not tradable.

# Select the market using `config set`$ ./build/tdex-linux-amd64 config set base_asset 5ac9f65c0efcc4775e0baec4ec03abdde22473cd3cf33c0419ca290e0751b225$ ./build/tdex-linux-amd64 config set quote_asset ALTCOIN_ASSET_HASH_HERE# Then make the market tradable$ ./build/tdex-linux-amd64 open

Congrats! The daemon is running and has a tradable market LBTC/ALTCOIN.

Use tdex-cli to trade#

Now we will use tdex-cli, the CLI for traders.

# set up network to regtest + config local nigiri explorer$ tdex-cli network regtest --explorer connect to localhost daemon$ tdex-cli connect localhost:9945# generate new wallet (or import it from seed) using wallet$ tdex-cli wallet# let's generate a new address and fund it$ tdex-cli wallet address$ nigiri faucet --liquid TRADER_ADDRESS_HERE

Our trader account owns LBTC, thus he can use trade to SELL them (and so buy some altcoins!).

# list the market available$ tdex-cli market list# copy the market recently created, it should be something like 'LBTC-6f02'# then select this market (replace by your market pair!)$ tdex-cli market LBTC-6f02# use `trade` and select SELL and follow the instructions$ tdex-cli trade

We have sent 1 LBTC and receive 50.125 ALTCOINs ! Now I BUY some LBTC using my ALTCOINs:

# Select the BUY option this time!$ tdex-cli trade# and follow the instructions, try to buy 1 BTC