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Version: 0.9.1


Identities are Javascript objects representing the trader's private key(s). They come from Liquid Development Kit (LDK) and implement the IdentityInterface. tdex-sdk re-exports LDK classes, types and functions.

Create a Mnemonic Identity instance#

import { IdentityOpts, MnemonicOpts, IdentityType, Mnemonic } from "tdex-sdk";
const options: IdentityOpts<MnemonicOpts> = {  chain: "regtest",  type: IdentityType.Mnemonic,  opts: {    mnemonic: "<MNEMONIC WORDS>",  },};
const identity = new Mnemonic(options);

Restore your Identity#

Restorer are functions using to restore the mnemonic addresses. mnemonicRestorerFromEsplora is one of the restorer exported by LDK. It requests an Esplora endpoint to inspect the blockchain. It follows the spec described by BIP32.

const identity = await mnemonicRestorerFromEsplora(new Mnemonic(options))({  esploraURL: "", // blockstream explorer URL  gapLimit: 20, // default gap limit for BIP44/BIP32 wallet});
// the identity's addresses already used are re-generatedconst notUsedAddress = await identity.getNextAddress();

Fetch and unblind UTXOS#

fetchAndUnblindUtxos uses an Esplora endpoint to fetch the identity's unspents.

const addrs = await identity.getAddresses(); // return all the addresses restored/generatedconst utxos = await fetchAndUnblindUtxos(  addrs, // addrs contains the private blinding keys using to unblind the utxos  "");

Send a confidential transaction with Mnemonic#

import {  walletFromAddresses,  Mnemonic,  IdentityType,  greedyCoinSelector,  address,  mnemonicRestorerFromEsplora,  decodePset,} from "tdex-sdk";
// we'll send 850 sats of LBTC (5ac9f65...)const recipientInfos = {  value: 850,  asset: "5ac9f65c0efcc4775e0baec4ec03abdde22473cd3cf33c0419ca290e0751b225",  address:    "Azpk3oLvSDtYScUcWTc2VDyqj78HmNqPuoYDEGMZtPNLEJmNz33cy36S1cJXAAoikLVf2Zv4muNM2FCQ",};
const network = "regtest"; // "liquid" for mainchainconst esploraURL = "http://localhost:3001"; // LDK uses Esplora endpoints to fetch blockchain data// you can use Nigiri to run a local regtest node:
// Create the Identityconst identity = new Mnemonic({  chain: network,  type: IdentityType.Mnemonic,  opts: {    mnemonic: "<MNEMONIC WORDS>",  },});
// Let's use Esplora to re-generate already used addresses (LDK restorer)const restoredIdentity = await mnemonicRestorerFromEsplora(identity)({  esploraURL,  gapLimit: 20,});
// Get addresses from identityconst addresses = await restoredIdentity.getAddresses();
// create a WalletInterface object from addresses, we'll use it to build the PSET// `walletFromAddresses` will fetch and unblind unspents.const wallet = await walletFromAddresses(addresses, esploraURL, network);
const changeAddress = await identity.getNextChangeAddress();
// buildTx lets to create PSET ready to be signed by Identitylet tx = wallet.buildTx(  wallet.createTx(), // -> create an empty PSET  [recipientInfos], // the outputs to create  greedyCoinSelector(), // how the build must select the unspents to fund the transaction  (asset) => changeAddress.confidentialAddress, // specify to builder the change address to use  true // will add the fee output, default to false);
// we can blind our transaction using identitytx = await identity.blindPset(  tx,  [0, 1], // 1 is change, 0 is the recipient output  new Map().set(    0, // here, we only need to specify blinding key for outputs not owned by our identity    address.fromConfidential(recipientInfos.address).blindingKey.toString("hex")  ));
// Now we can sign with identity abstractionconst signedTx = await identity.signPset(tx);
// finalize the tx and encode to hexconst finalizedTx = decodePset(signedTx)  .finalizeAllInputs()  .extractTransaction()  .toHex();
// finalizedTx can be broadcastedconsole.log(finalizedTx);