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Swap protocol


The swap protocol defines the process by which two parties conclude an atomic swap using an interactive exchange of signed messages and Elements transaction.

Identifying with Alice as the Proposer and Bob the Responder:

  1. Alice connects to Bob through secure transport layer and encrypted connection.
  2. Alice proposes a swap crafting an unsigned transaction and a message defined as sending AMOUNT_P of ASSET_P and receiving AMOUNT_R of ASSET_R. If confidential, the blinding keys need to be included.
  3. Alice sends to Bob the SwapRequest message containing the unsigned transaction. An additional input and eventual change output needed to pay half of the network fees is included by Alice in the transaction.
  4. Bob, if accepts the terms, funds the swap and partially signs the proposed transaction and includes his blinding keys too.
  5. Bob sends back to Alice the SwapAccept message containing the partially signed transaction. An additional input and eventual change output needed to pay the remaining half of the network fees is included by Bob in the transaction.
  6. Alice parses the accepted swap and signs the transaction.
  7. Alice sends to Bob the SwapComplete message containing the signed transaction.
  8. Ideally Bob finalizes and broadcast the transaction to the Liquid network.


Data Structures#

syntax = "proto3";
message SwapRequest {  // Random unique identifier for the current message  string id = 1;  // The proposer's quantity  uint64 amount_p = 2;  // The proposer's asset hash  string asset_p = 3;  // The responder's quantity  uint64 amount_r = 4;  // The responder's asset hash  string asset_r = 5;  // The proposer's unsigned transaction in PSETv2 format (base64 string)  string transaction = 6;  // The list of proposer's unblinded inputs data, even in case they are  // unconfidential.  repeated UnblindedInput unblinded_inputs = 7;}
message SwapAccept {  // Random unique identifier for the current message  string id = 1;  // Identifier of the SwapRequest message  string request_id = 2;  // The complete swap transaction in PSETv2 format (base64 string),  // signed by the Responder  string transaction = 3;  // The original list of trader's unblinded inputs updated with those  // of the inputs added by the responder, whether they're confidential or not.  repeated UnblindedInput unblinded_inputs = 4;}
message SwapComplete {  // Random unique identifier for the current message  string id = 1;  // Identifier of the SwapAccept message  string accept_id = 2;  // The swap transaction in PSETv2 or raw hex format signed by the Proposer  string transaction = 3;}
message SwapFail {  // Random unique identifier for the current message  string id = 1;  // Identifier of either SwapRequest or SwapAccept message. It can be empty  string message_id = 2;  // The failure code. It can be empty  uint32 failure_code = 3;  // The failure reason messaged  string failure_message = 4;}
message UnblindedInput {  // Index of the transaction input of reference.  uint32 index = 1;  // Unblinded asset.  string asset = 2;  // Unblinded amount.  uint64 amount = 3;  // Asset blinder for blinded prevout, 32-byte 0x00..00 if unconfidential.  string asset_blinder = 4;  // Amount blinder for blinded prevout, 32-byte 0x00..00 if unconfidential.  string amount_blinder = 5;}


The SwapRequest message is sent by the Proposer to the Responder to start the swap negotiation. The transaction is a PSETv2 base64 encoded string containing the Proposer's inputs and outputs (amount_r and eventual change).


The SwapAccept message is sent by the Responder to the Proposer to accept the swap request.


The SwapComplete message is sent by Proposer to the Responder to announce the successful completion of the swap.


The SwapFail message can be sent by either side of the swap protocol, at any time, to announce the swap termination. failure_code is an optional parameter for specifying the failure reason. TBD